What is Tech Recruiting?

Recruitment specialized in tech is an attraction, recruitment and selection process aimed mainly at people who work with software development. The tech area mainly refers to the information technology (IT) sector. You may be wondering what is a tech area? Currently, the areas with the most demand in the market are..
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How to Recruit a Good IT Technical Talent?

Learn top tips on how to attract and recruit top IT technical talents to your company and stay competitive in the increasingly fierce tech job market. Attracting and hiring tech talent is undoubtedly a challenge. The tech job market is increasingly competitive as demand often exceeds supply.
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What Does Technical Recruiter Mean?

Surely you came here because you want to start working in the technology sector and hire IT profiles and you don't know where to start. If so, then you came to the right place. I want to tell you, step by step, what you can do to become a technical recruiter and start gaining your first experiences and knowledge.
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How to Post a Tech Job That Attracts Talent?

Tech specialists have a huge selection when it comes to job posts. You have just a few seconds to capture the attention of the best talents. This is why it is so crucial in the world of online recruitment to prepare an attractive and engaging job description and the entire recruitment process..
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What Does an IT Recruitment Agency Do?

IT recruitment refers to the process of attracting, selecting and appointing suitable IT candidates. The challenge of an IT recruiter is to find IT candidates who are not only a good fit for the IT position, but also for the organization. An IT recruitment agency supports a company in the search for...
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What an IT Technical Recruiter Should Know?

Requirements survey. It is the previous step to any recruitment or selection process, and IT is no exception. It consists of determining the profile that is going to be sought, through meetings or conversations with the hiring manager, area manager, or through a personnel requisition.
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The Importance of Tech Recruiters

Technical recruiters play a crucial role in identifying and hiring the right candidates for IT-related jobs. They possess a deep understanding of the specific skills required for roles in IT and software development, enabling them to pinpoint candidates who possess these abilities. If your goal is ...
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How to Become a Freelancer Technical Recruiter?

This modality is for you if you are a person who likes to have more autonomy and decide how you would like to carry out your processes. In addition, this modality allows you to set your own rules, your price or rates, and your conditions to accept!. It can be a very good option whether you want to begin gaining your first work experiences, or if you already have fair experience..
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Get Started as a Technical Recruiter

The most important thing you should know is that to start working in the area you need to have prior knowledge about the profiles, associated technologies, specific strategies for the technology industry and, above all, good practices in selection. You may think that getting started in this area is easy, but it really isn't, and it can be very frustrating if you decide to do it without the right preparation.
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Tips for Recruiting Technical Software Developers

Finding software developers is hard and difficult work. Hiring good technical developers is much more. Experience has led me to see that out of 10 processes, at least 1 developer passes the technical filter . Which makes the process extremely complicated. For this reason, I would like to share 7 tips for recruiting the best
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