How to Apply HXM in Human Resources

Imagine a scenario where a company's people management transcends cold metrics and genuinely connects with each employee, in a specific and individual way, and without leaving aside the company's productivity, results and objectives...
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The Role of Human Resources in the Digital Age

Currently, digital information transforms organizations that do not fit with the demands of the technological environment, which is why it is important and convenient to live in a flexible, collaborative, humanized, and social environment where knowledge prevails and is shared...
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What is Human Resource Management?

Human Resource Management describes the optimal deployment of employees (= resources) with the aim of contributing to the success of the company. The HR manager is responsible for managing and developing employees so that they can perform their work with dedication and efficiency. The HR manager is an intermediary between management and staff ...
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How to be a Good HR Director?

Promotes positive changes in staff: Your central objective as Human Resources director is continuous improvement. Both work groups and individuals can always improve. Your area seeks just that: to increase performance and productivity without this being an obstacle to the well-being of workers. Remember, everything that represents an improvement interests you and ...
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What Changes Has the Human Resources Area Undergone?

For the Human Resources director who came from traditional work methods, it has been almost like starting from scratch. Or maybe not so much, but it has meant a profound redefinition of his professional profile and a very rapid adaptation to the demands and challenges of the new scenario. The changes have been many and sometimes so rapid that not even ...
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What is HRM Software?

HR management is becoming increasingly important strategically, but its added value is difficult to understand in many companies. There is often a lack of numbers, and that is where personnel management software comes into play. This makes it possible to calculate the added value of HRM and should 'guide' Human Resource Management. The HRM software solutions ...
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What is Human Capital Management?

Human Capital Management (HCM) is a term for the methods and processes that HR uses to recruit, manage and develop the employees in an organisation. The concept stems from the idea that employees are the most important resource the organization has, and that the valuable ..
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What is an HCM System?

An HCM system ( also called an HR system ) is a computer system that helps you digitize all processes within Human Capital Management. This saves you time and money by automating tasks that previously took a lot of time. By digitizing HR tasks ...
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Which Processes are Used in Human Capital Management?

Human Capital Management covers a wide range of strategic and administrative practices and processes. The most important processes in HCM usually include the following: 1. Personnel planning (Workforce planning): This process includes analysis, forecasting and planning of the organization's future personnel ...
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