What is hrm software?
HR management is becoming increasingly important strategically, but its added value is difficult to understand in many companies. There is often a lack of numbers, and that is where personnel management software comes into play. This makes it possible to calculate the added value of HRM and should 'guide' Human Resource Management.
The HRM software solutions facilitate collaboration between strategic and management functions. Interfaces enable the data linking of HRM and the automated evaluation of all kinds of personnel-related data and their analysis.
An HRM key figures system that is specially tailored to the business situation serves as a management instrument for your personnel measures. For this you need data and a system that processes this data efficiently and makes it ready for use, for example in the form of reports .
HRM primarily contributes to the achievement of objectives, through the planning of qualitative and quantitative personnel needs. For this purpose, employees are divided into personnel groups, taking into account their strategic importance to the company.
- Which personnel groups are needed to achieve the strategic goals, and to what extent?
- What is the internal and external availability of the individual staff groups?
The answer to these two questions forms the basis for the implementation of HRM measures and processes. Both are target group specific and align with your company's strategy.