What is ICT?

ICT can be seen as an integration of information technology with communication technology. ICT is a very broad area that goes beyond just the home computer. Just think of smartphones, tablets, servers, the internet, televisions, robots, the ATM, Facebook, the cash register ...
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Tips for Finding the Ideal IT Employee

If your business company is growing, there is a big chance that you will need reinforcement at some point. However, looking for the right IT personnel can still be quite hard. To attract good talents, it is necessary to invest sufficient time in the recruitment and selection. The best tips for finding the ideal IT employee? We list them here.
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Application Questions for IT Professionals

Successful business owners, HR managers and recruiters team know to look beyond the technical qualifications of an IT professional. After all, taking initiative and soft skills are just as essential. Do you want to hire top candidates? With these 6 application questions for IT you will get the help to separate the wheat from the chaff.
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How to Plan for Proactive IT Recruitment?

The start of the new year is a reason for many people to change careers. IT people also think about their tomorrow. How do you consider this as an employer? We give 5 tips to help with planning proactive IT recruitment and selection at the start of the new year.
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Skills for the IT Manager

An IT manager is aproffesional who is primarily responsible for IT within a company or organization (business IT and management). The profession is something similar to that of a lead full stack developer, with the difference that this type of department/unit manager does not need to be able to program/code.
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IT Recruitment and Selection Steps

Recruitment focuses mainly on starters and medior tech professionals. Despite their strong performance and experience, older candidates are hired less often than their younger peers. Besides the fact that younger employees generally have a less salary, there is a bias that (just graduated) starters have more relevant skills than older employees.
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Types of IT Architects

Based on a deep and extensive analysis, the IT architects design, supervise/develop high-quality solutions for a business portfolio, system, application, infrastructure or entire company. With this they lay the foundation for the realization of software projects.
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What Does an IT Consultant Do?

An IT consultant is an (external) analyst who evaluates companies' IT systems to help them achieve their business objectives. An IT consultant optimizes digital work processes and services at customers. This IT professional helps organizations with system development and integration and introduces new systems and applications.
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