What is Software Development?

Software development is the display of information through an app, progressive web app, web application, software system or the like. This can be done through the internet, but it is also possible to set this up only through closed environments that are not accessible to the outside ...
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The 6 Stages of the Agile Software Development

If technology companies want to continue to play a role in a volatile industry, software development teams need a way to release their products as much and as quickly as possible. The agile software development lifecycle method has been specifically developed for the rapid development...
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10 Tips for Working With Software Developers

If you have ever done or been involved in a software development project, you will agree that software developers are essential. It is therefore important to be able to get on with them as one. To make it easier for you and increase the chance of a successful project, I share 10 tips for working with software ..
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Developing Software Using the V Model

Over the past decades, many different software development methodologies have been used. Generally these fall into one of two categories: heavyweight or lightweight. Heavyweight (predictive) methodologies such as the Waterfall model, Spiral model and V-model are based on a linear, sequential, step-by-step approach to ...
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How to Make a Clear Agreement With a Software Developer

You want to develop software, but you do not have the expertise in-house. Then you hire a software developer. But what should you consider when making agreements with a developer? In this blog you can read five tips for making good (and, above all, clear) a ...
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