What is Jira?

What is jira?

Jira is a project management solution that helps users map, prioritize, and delegate their tasks.

It is a standard and widely used tool today in the areas of project management, task management and error management. In software development it allows facilitating work steps and cooperation in both small and large teams.

If we go back to the origins of jira we will see that it has been present on the market since 2002 and that it was developed by the Australian company Atlassina. It has been built on more than 15 years of agile evolution. Do you know where its name comes from? From the Japanese monster Godzilla, his name "Gojira" became colloquially "jira".

Jira is an overview and planning tool that helps optimize workflow within a team. Both administrators and users can use it. It allows you to distribute tasks, share intermediate states and remedy possible errors. To this end, tickets are created for individual tasks that are assigned and processed.

It allows teams to plan flexibly as it has support for Scrum, Kanban and Scrumban methodologies.

Teams have access to critical, actionable information regarding their agile process through the system's data-driven visual reports.

With this software, small and medium-sized but also large projects can be carried out more efficiently. Jira allows new employees to join a team quickly and easily and ensures the necessary documentation of a project.

Jira features a simple, yet intuitive interface that allows users to easily collaborate with each other and optimize all their work processes.

There are numerous Atlassian plugins and other software solutions for Jira that can be quickly and easily integrated to allow you to customize and optimize your teams' workflow. In total, the software has the ability to integrate with more than 3,000 available external applications.

Jira is a tool that has a wide variety of functionalities and features. Among the main functionalities of Jira are some such as project management. In this case it adapts to the different phases of the projects and allows you to organize a flexible workflow and ensure that tasks are not forgotten.

Another of Jira's functionalities is help for agile teams with tools to work on this methodology. For example, it allows you to streamline assigned tasks and workflows thanks to scrum and Kanban boards and monitor all work.

Jira allows you to adapt the workflow and the completion of tasks to the requirements requested by clients or by the company itself. It does this interactively and also makes it easy to run tests and quality control.

It has many tools that allow you to plan, establish and predict the degree of the software development life cycle. It has an area that allows clients and team to communicate directly to establish budgets.

Some other features of Jira are the ability to perform advanced reporting, customizable dashboards, collaborative and planning tools, surveys, advanced security and administration, import data from other systems, schedule tasks, define objectives, etc.