What is a Social Media Manager?

What is a social media manager?

The digital marketing sector has experienced exponential growth in recent years. Businessmen and individuals have realized the need to be present and active on the Internet. For many, these are issues that are beyond their reach. That is why professionals like social media managers have found a market niche to stay in.

To the question of what a social media manager is, there is no simple answer, since it is an all-round professional in the field of digital marketing. As a result of their training with an online marketing course, social media managers are in charge of preparing and planning a company's strategy on social networks .

A social media manager plans, while the community manager executes what is established by said professional.

When a Social Media Manager is assigned a client, the first thing they should do is sit down and talk with them to understand what their objectives are. After this, a market research will be carried out - also known as consulting - in which a SWOT study - weaknesses, threats, strengths and opportunities - will be carried out to try to determine what is the best strategy to follow in social networks.

In addition, the social media manager is the professional in charge of studying the trends and behavior of the users to whom the client's product or service will be directed.

After this, it will be determined which social networks are interesting for the client and a content plan adjusted to each of them will be developed. It will be the community manager who consults these documents and executes them, always under the supervision of the social media manager.

Social media strategies are not always an exact science. That is why it is so important to pay attention to the results of the actions that are implemented. This is what is known as measurement and analytics. A social media manager must always be aware of whether the KPI's (objectives) are achieved and how. In this way, she will be able to make changes to her initial plan in order to achieve better results.

However, it will also be responsible for the following functions :

  • Be the contact person with the client
  • Make decisions in the face of reputation crises on social networks
  • Develop advertising campaigns with different objectives: gain followers, generate interactions, viralization...
  • Create results reports requested by clients.

At this point you will ask yourself: What do I need to be a social media manager? Beyond the specific training to perform the tasks of the position, a Social Media Manager must be a person with a series of skills.

  • Interested in social networks and learning new trends related to the Internet
  • Be a methodical and orderly person, capable of creating meaningful plans
  • Have analytical capacity to identify errors and opportunities
  • Be communicative, able to hold meetings with clients and convey the necessary guidelines to your subordinates.
  • Have the ability to work under pressure, since on numerous occasions you will have to be able to make changes with a short response time.