How to stand out positively on the technical recruitment market?
Lack of technical knowledge - one of the most common reasons for recruiters' mishaps. Recruiters currently do not enjoy a good reputation - every now and then we can come across entries describing the incompetence of people involved in recruitment. One of the most common complaints is the complete lack of technical knowledge . Candidates often point out that people from HR ask senseless questions, and in addition they do not know the specifics of work in a given position. One of the most common examples comes from the IT industry, where recruiters confuse Java with JavaScript , which have nothing in common other than a similar name.
Therefore, in order to stand out positively on the market and leave a good impression in the candidate's memory, it is worth spending time and getting to know the specifics of the industry.
Technical knowledge - why have it?
We talk about the need for a recruiter to have technical knowledge - but we did not specify what exactly we mean by this and why it is worth having this knowledge. Will it help us conduct more effective recruitment? Or maybe it will allow us to improve communication with business?
Speaking of technical knowledge, we primarily mean:
- knowledge of terms used in a given industry - specific names or terms,
- knowledge of the specificity of work in the position for which you are recruiting is another must-have.
So take an interest in what a typical day looks like for the person you are looking for. Going a level higher - be curious about technical innovations that appear, know the dependencies between departments and know what impact a given position has on the entire company.
Why know all this? How else can you properly assess a candidate's suitability for the job if you don't understand what they're talking about?
With technical knowledge at your fingertips, you will be able to select the best candidates. The level of recruitment services you provide will therefore increase significantly.
It is also impossible not to mention that thanks to this you will be a better conversation partner for your candidates and for hiring managers.
Practical implementation of the recruiter?
Does the recruiter have to be a specialist in a given industry? No - the recruiter should be a specialist in the field of recruitment processes. Thanks to this, it is able to manage recruitment, select appropriate HR tools or recruitment support systems. However, technical knowledge is necessary to conduct recruitment processes well . So let your HR specialists have time to familiarize themselves with the industry in which you are looking for employees.
It will be a good idea to practically introduce the recruiter to the duties of the person he is looking for. A recruiter can, for example, work for a month as a salesman, go to a factory and see what the production process looks like, or start programming. Thanks to such practical implementation, he will better understand the specifics of work, and thus will be able to provide better quality candidates.
Are you wasting your time and money on such recruiter implementation? So remind yourself how high the costs of unsuccessful recruitment are. Perhaps this will convince you that it is worth introducing such an action in your organization.