5 Tips for Using LinkedIn for Staff Recruitment

5 tips for using LinkedIn for staff recruitment

Recruiting staff is a lot cheaper with the help of a little creativity. This way you can use free job boards. However, job boards only cover actively searching employees. And this is only 20% of the entire market. If you want a greater reach and recruit latent talents, consider LinkedIn. In addition to a number of paid options to promote vacancies, there are plenty of opportunities to draw attention to your vacancies without a budget. Hebbes gives you five tips for recruiting through LinkedIn.

1. Create a company page

A company profile on LinkedIn gives you the opportunity to promote your brand in general. It is important to generate followers on the profile. You can get a good start by sending a message to all your relations asking them to follow your company. Users often like this and you can quickly pick up a number of followers. A career page on the company profile is possible, but is very expensive. Unless you have a good recruitment budget, it is wise to organize your recruitment in a different way.

2. Post vacancies on your company page

In addition to posting updates, blogs and other content, you can also post great vacancies on the company profile. These appear immediately in the timeline of your followers. Your reach becomes even greater when your followers start liking the post. Because on average a Dutch LinkedIn user has 350 connections. Multiply the number of likes by the average number of connections and a good reach is achieved. Of course you can contribute to this yourself by liking the post yourself.

3. Expand your reach, deploy your staff

Not only your connections have an average of 350 members, but also your staff. Therefore, ask them to also follow the company page. And activate them to share and like vacancies. This gives employees the feeling that they can contribute to finding a new colleague. But they are also the best ambassadors of your company. Who else can show that new talent how much fun it is to work for you?

4. Purchase vacancy space

Even with a small budget, it is possible to bring your vacancy to the attention of the right target group. Posting a vacancy can be done in no time and you can get a placement from just €139. That's not too bad, but what exactly do you get for that? On average, a vacancy is shown 813 times and results in 22 targeted applications. Targeted? Yes, because by making it as specific as possible you ensure that your vacancy comes to the attention of the right people.

5. Join industry-related groups

In addition to a wide reach, linkedIn groups also offer the opportunity to bring vacancies to the attention of a specific target group. Look for groups that match your vacancies, register and post your vacancy.

Whatever you do with LinkedIn, look for ways that suit the company. And using images is always a good idea. Among all the textual violence in a newsfeed, a striking image is a relief. You will see that this increases your reach.