Skills for the IT Manager

Skills for the IT manager

An IT manager is aproffesional who is primarily responsible for IT within a company or organization (business IT and management). The profession is something similar to that of a lead full stack developer, with the difference that this type of department/unit manager does not need to be able to program/code.

IT managers develop and implement IT policies & standards and best practices to optimize work processes. They keep an eye on trends, make predictions and take strategic decisions based on that. IT managers coach, persuade and lead IT teams.

Practical experience in computer network, administration and installation of network is also required. Knowledge of/and experience with agile/Scrum principles is also indispensable. Some years of work experience in IT management or a related role is often requested, but is not a strict - is a must - requirement.

Duties of an IT manager

  • Achieving project objectives within set timeframes and budgets.
  • Identify problem areas and gaps to implement strategic solutions within time schedule.
  • Make plans and monitor the progress of major department projects.
  • Financial planning; management and allocation of budgets.
  • Management and optimization/enhancement of IT infrastructures, system updates, upgrades, migrations required, etc.
  • Securing data and network.
  • Managing IT staff.
  • Develop learning paths and training courses to increase/develop IT skills.

What are the most essential skills for the IT manager position?

1# Team management

An IT manager leads a DevOps team. He/she is (usually) responsible for its composition and makes sure a positive working atmosphere to allow the staff members to perform optimally.

2# Decision Making

IT managers make decisions at board level. Most IT managers, however, execute in the middle management, between the board of directors and the employees of the DevOps team. They make department-level decisions, set project objectives, and purchase tools after well-analysis.

3# Strategic thinking

From personnel administration to budget management, this job involves a variety of duties. Projects must be well planned, executed and completed/finished/delivered as efficiently as possible to maximize revenue. Overview and strategic insight are absolutely important to successfully fulfill the position.

4# Financial management

IT managers are allocated specific budgets for planned objectives. Accounting skills are important to draw up the balance each quarter and to see whether all set objectives have been achieved.

5# Communication

One of the most essential skills of an IT manager is communication. It's not just sending mails and changing speeches. A good IT manager listens "very" carefully, reads what is between the lines and proactively tackles potential problems. He/she solicits input from his/her team members and increases employee engagement.