What changes has the human resources area undergone?
The digital revolution has not only influenced the emergence of increasingly complex computer systems and sophisticated machines. It has also generated a social and cultural revolution that can be seen in different areas, including work.
Neither workers behave the same as they did a couple of decades ago nor do the selection, recruitment and training processes look at all like they did when the digital tools and resources with which we interact today did not yet exist. There is a whole abyss between one era and another.
What Changes Has the Human Resources Area Undergone?
For the Human Resources director who came from traditional work methods, it has been almost like starting from scratch. Or maybe not so much, but it has meant a profound redefinition of his professional profile and a very rapid adaptation to the demands and challenges of the new scenario.
The changes have been many and sometimes so rapid that not even professionals in the area have been able to assimilate them. Let's look at some of the most important ones:
Understanding the corporate philosophy: in the new context, the Human Resources area cannot operate in isolation. Those responsible must understand the company's corporate philosophy (values, principles, mission and vision) and from there design their strategies.
Strategic vision of your work: everything that is decided in this area will have a direct impact on the different departments of the company. That is, its function will be strategic, since it affects both those at high corporate levels and those at lower levels.
Talent management: it is not enough to select and hire personnel; Now, in addition, it is necessary to design strategies to enhance the talent of those workers who are already part of the company and, at the same time, attract others who come from related sectors and who add value to the company as a whole.
Design better professional development plans: Human Resources is an area that looks inside companies. It knows that workers are its main investment and that is why it offers internal promotion alternatives and accessible and fair incentive systems. The idea is that each person finds the place that makes them the best professional and as a piece of a broader mechanism.
Broadening performance criteria: Performance, one of the main concerns in this area, is no longer just a matter of numbers, data and resources used. Now the word well-being has been incorporated, which implies others such as motivation, communication, leadership style, etc.