Characteristics That a Good HR Manager Must Have

Characteristics That a Good HR Manager Must Have

HR managers face the challenge of attracting and retaining the right employees in a constantly changing market. In addition, they must provide direction to personnel policy. This blog discusses five characteristics that an HR manager needs to properly fulfill these tasks.

1. Understanding the business

HR managers form the link between management and staff. For well-considered choices, it is very important that they understand how their organization and the playing field in which the organization operates.

This revolves around, for example, the various processes in the organization, the set goals and the strategy to achieve them. (Technological) developments and expectations about external changes are also important. The HR manager needs to know this to identify opportunities and determine the right course with the right people.

2. Keep an overview

Is it clear in which direction the organization is developing and is there a policy to achieve the associated goals? Then setting priorities and maintaining an overview come into play. The HR manager must be able to distinguish main issues from secondary issues and not lose the common thread. This is known as the helicopter view and it is an important skill for every manager.

3. Interest in people

Just like organizations, employees also develop further. Employees are increasingly paying attention to what an employer adds to their overall well-being. It is therefore essential to invest in motivating and inspiring staff.

HR managers need to know what is going on in the workplace. In this way, they can provide a place where employees can go with problems and feedback. The employees can then properly define their personal objectives. They can also express what they encounter and how they feel within the company.

In addition, HR managers are wise to provide room for growth. This can be done, for example, with good training opportunities. Stimulating employees makes them feel more connected to the organization.

4. Decisiveness

In personnel management it is inevitable to make choices that are not always beneficial for everyone. Good HR managers determine what the organization's needs are in that area and should not be afraid to express their opinions.

They will encounter resistance when implementing changes. They therefore need support at various levels and must find a good balance between strategy and empathy. This involves persuasiveness based on knowledge and a long-term vision.

5. Self-reflection

The HR manager must of course also pay attention to his own development. This can be done through targeted training. In addition, it is good that the manager takes a critical look at his own policy. This concerns, for example, the way he deals with certain situations and the results achieved. He would do well to take feedback from others into account and consider how he can possibly adjust his working method in the future. The HR manager must certainly reflect on success, but at the same time recognize shortcomings in his approach. Such an open attitude allows him to develop as an HR manager and grow as a person. That is both to his advantage and that of the organization.