How to Hire the Right Tech Talent?

Published by Amr El-Kashef - Technical Recruitment Operation Manager

How to hire the right tech talent?

The demand for qualified specialists (talent), especially in the digital space, significantly exceeds the supply. Currently emerging technology companies and start-ups want to employ qualified employees in order to find a candidate who is the right fit for their organization should consider their tech recruitment strategy of employing a qualified candidate. Below are some tips on what you can do to win this race.

Prioritize the company's needs and the candidate's goals

Before you and your talent acquisition team begin your search for an experienced tech candidate, first ask yourself, "What value will this role bring to the team? " Prepare yourself in terms of what you expect in the short and long term, what goals and challenges this person will encounter? How do you imagine this role? Use these answers as a guide as you begin your recruiting plan.

Once you've done this and found the tech candidate you're looking for, make sure you have a clear understanding of the candidate's personal goals for joining your organization. For a C-Level candidate, a career change isn't just about the impact of salary or a change of scenery. Take the time to understand what this candidate is looking for in the aisle. What are his career goals? You may find that you create a role around this person if you truly believe they are the perfect fit for your company.

Create a quick and painless recruitment process - preferably remotely

We're not saying you should hire your techie over the phone, but with some talent acquisition strategies used by many companies, it becomes very tedious and tedious and you could end up missing out on the perfect candidate. In a candidate-driven market, every hiring manager should assume that if a candidate identified as talent is interviewing with an organization, he or she is most likely also interviewing with other companies. By creating a process in which candidates receive feedback in a timely manner, quick responses and next steps will ensure a greater likelihood of achieving a potential hire ahead of the competition.

Tech talent won't wait - don't wait either and offer the best offer right away

When it comes to senior tech talents, you will find yourself in a bidding war with other companies that have sent job offers. While many competing companies offer all the basic benefits available to the public, such as Multisport cards, medical and life insurance, lunch subsidies, etc., if you want your offer to immediately stand out, try and go a step further. This means not only a well-tailored remuneration package for talent, but also other incentives tailored to that specific person. If you have your eyes on one particular candidate, but that candidate may have a long commute, offer a part-time position or a set number of work-from-home days. Are you expecting a parent? Create a maternity/paternity leave plan that is tailored and filled with motivation.

Work with and consult with an external tech recruitment agency

Let's face it, hiring an experienced manager in your organization can change the entire dynamic of your company. However, hiring the wrong person may not only discourage existing staff, but also significantly reduce the team's effectiveness and lead to a situation where the team will not focus on the results but on the new supervisor or, in extreme cases, on putting obstacles in his way and leading to his failure. layoffs. Therefore, partnering with an external tech recruitment agency that understands your business will make the process of hiring the right tech talent easier. Thanks to the agency's tech recruitment experience and understanding of the business, you will save money in the long run by using their services.