How to Hire a Developer?

How to hire a developer?

A developer is someone who codes, designs, develops and maintains software. Software consists of set of instructions given to a computer for executing certain tasks. The developer uses programming languages, such as Python, Java, or C++, to make programs that can be used for various purposes, such as managing databases, automating tasks, developing apps, or building online websites.

A developer must has at least a technical background and often troubleshoots and repairs the code he or she has written. It therefore requires good analytical skills and an well-understanding of mathematics and logic. In addition, a developer often works in a team and has communication skills to work effectively with other developers, designers, as well as the clients.

What types of developers are there?

There are software developers who specialize in front-end development, back-end, full-stack, app, website or webshop e-commerce development. For this, the developers use different programming languages, scripting languages ​​or frameworks. What is the language or framework a developer uses often depends on the sw application and the user requirements.

Front-end developer
The front-end developer is an IT professional who is responsible for the technology at the front of a software application, app, website or blog. The front-end. To work as a front-end developer you have to master certain frameworks (ReactJS, Angular, jQuery, Vue, Node JS, ..etc), markup languages CSS or HTML and scripting languages such as ​​(JavaScript, Python, Ruby).

Back-end developer
The back-end developer is an IT professional who is responsible for the technology at the back of an application, app, blog or website. The back-end developers work closely with the front-end developers in building a website or application. To work as a back-end developer you have to master certain programming languages ​​or framewoks such as PHP, Java, Python or DotNET.

Full-stack developer
The full-stack developer is an IT professional who combines the work of a front-end and back-end developer. He/she has a broad experience in the software development and its cycle. The full-stack developer can develop front-end and back-end of a website or application. He/she often has a supporting function within a development team and masters the most commonly used programming and scripting languages ​.

App developer
The app developer is an IT professional who focuses on the design, development and implementation of apps. The app developer makes, maintains and tests applications for smartphones, tablets or desktop computers. An app developer is a sw programmer and is often involved in the design process, back-end and front-end development. The app developer builds apps for Android and iOS (Apple) and works with programming languages ​​such as Java, Swift and Kotlin.

Web Developer
A web developer is an IT professional whi is responsible for the development of websites and usually works as a front-end developer, back-end developer or full-stack developer. A web developer makes websites and masters one or more web programming languages, as mentioned for front-end and back-end developers. Web developers sometimes also work with platforms and CMS such as WordPress, Joomla or Wix. These environments have some built-in plugins and are a handy popular alternative for the custom website development.

Webshop/ E-commerce developer
A webshop or e-commerce developer is a developer what has the ability to build and maintain webshop or e-commerce applications. This developer often has the full knowledge of a front-end, full-stack or web developer, but specializes in the development of an e-commerce site or a webshop. A webshop developer focuses on the commercial part of a website or app by selling products or services. Commonly used e-commerce platforms are Shopify, Woocommerce, Bigcommerce and Magento.

What can a freelancer developer bring to your company? All advantages at a glance

Would you like to hire a professional developer for your company to further develop existing applications or websites or with a view to a new software projects, but you don't have enough covering in the budget? With a freelance developer you can be more flexible in expanding your team while saving on salary costs.

  • Building of new products or features: A developer can build new products or features that a company can use to enhance its competitiveness and increase its sales value. This can lead to a competitive advantage and a better market position.
  • Enhancing existing systems: A developer can also enhance existing systems, making them efficient and better suited to the business needs. This can lead to more productivity, more customer satisfaction and costs reduction.
  • Innovation and technological progress: Developers are usually the ones who come up with new or trend technologies and updated methods to solve problems. By investing in featured developers, your company can benefit from new developments and innovations, which can lead to increase in customer experience and more sales value or ROI.

Hire a developer from Egypt

Interested to hire a developer from Egypt? We can help! Please contact us.