How to Hire an App Developer?

How to hire an app developer?

Professional app developers stand out for having knowledge that allows them to design and create attractive and functional user interfaces for mobile devices, create mobile applications with API integration from external tools, and even create mobile applications with augmented reality. They can also help you in publishing these applications on the Google Play Store and Apple Store.

Opting for a professional app developer allows you to meet the growing demand for personalized mobile solutions, increasing your reach and facilitating a better user experience.

Professional app developers will help you create apps that meet quality standards and include push notifications, integrated payments, among other features.

It is essential to be able to distinguish truly qualified professionals who have experience in application development and who can demonstrate extensive knowledge in the use of other languages ​​and related technologies:

  • Android
  • IOS
  • Swift
  • Java
  • Kotlin
  • Objective-C
  • Flutter
  • React Native
  • Ionic
  • HTML 5
  • CSS3
  • JavaScript
  • Firebase

Mobile app developers emerge in response to the increase in mobile use in the world. That's when companies realized they needed a brand presence optimized for smartphones.

One of the greatest advantages of these profiles is their ability to design applications compatible with any platform, in addition to their knowledge to create intuitive, functional and easy-to-use applications.

Finding the best app dvelopere will allow you to have a stronger mobile presence, improving accessibility and user experience on mobile phones.

What to expect when hiring a professional app developer?

Professionals specialized in mobile applications have skills in specific programming languages, which allows them to develop high-quality applications efficiently, and make them useful to the users who need them.

professional app developers offer greater flexibility in terms of schedules and projects compared to traditional companies, allowing them to adapt to the special needs and requirements of your company.

Betting on professional profiles who are experts in mobile applications is an added value for your company because they are aware of the latest trends and technologies, which will be a guarantee of quality for your project in the final result.

What to consider for hiring a professional app developer?

A professional mobile application developer must have solid programming knowledge in languages ​​such as Swift, Java, Kotlin and Objective-C. It also adds that you have advanced knowledge in the use of frameworks such as Flutter, React Native and Ionic. He/she must have the ability to design and create attractive and functional user interfaces, and to test and debug mobile applications. It is essential therefore to have a great capacity to adapt to new technologies and programming languages ​​in such a changing environment.

A professional app developer, apart from having experience in developing mobile applications for both Android and iOS, must have knowledge in the use of cloud services such as Firebase, for data storage and processing. On the other hand, it is recommended to have experience using project management tools such as Trello or Asana, as well as publishing mobile applications in stores such as the Google Play Store and Apple Store. A good profile expert in mobile applications will also have knowledge in developing hybrid applications. An experienced professional app developer will also have the ability to work as a team and collaborate with other developers.

The professional app developer must have knowledge in developing mobile applications for wearables, to which he must add experience in creating mobile applications with integration of external APIs. He/she must have knowledge of developing mobile applications with voice recognition, as well as creating mobile applications with integrated chats.

It is interesting to have the ability to communicate effectively with the client and with other team members, both internal and external.

Apart from being responsible for creating the applications, the professional app developer must ensure that these applications comply with accessibility standards, and that all their development work can be adapted for companies and businesses.

Among the wide variety of features that a professional app developer should be able to include in an app are, among others, geolocation, integrated payments, and push notifications. It is also interesting to know how to develop mobile applications with augmented reality.

Hire an app developer from Egypt

Interested to hire an app developer from Egypt? We can help! Please contact us.