How to Hire a Ruby on Rails Developer?

How to hire a Ruby on Rails developer?

Nowadays, being able to count on a professional Ruby on Rails developer means being able to reduce work times, minimize errors and improve the results of projects related to the creation of custom web applications. Ruby on Rails is a framework that gives web developers a structure for all the code they write, helping them build sites and applications by abstracting and simplifying otherwise repetitive tasks.

A good Ruby on Rails developer must master several programs and tools, such as:

  • Ruby
  • Html
  • css
  • AJAX
  • PostgreSQL
  • Git
  • Heroku

Ruby on Rails is written in Ruby, which is to Rails what PHP is to Symfony or Python to Django. Faced with the infinite alternatives, Ruby's appeal lies in its extreme elegance and concision . A good Ruby on Rails developer won't need to spend hours configuring files before they can start working on your web applications.

Choosing the best Ruby on Rails developer will help you speed up development times, maintaining a solid and easily recognizable architecture in all your company's projects.

Why to hire a professional Ruby on Rails developer?

A professional Ruby on Rails developer will increase your company's level of flexibility and adaptability in relation to client needs, thanks to previous experience in projects of different types and sizes.

Take advantage of all the advantages and benefits of a programming language like Ruby, one of the most effective when developing cross-platform web applications. Its most productive framework Ruby on Rails will take you to the next level, helping you compete in the market against other competitors.

What to consider when hiring a professional Ruby on Rails developer?

If your company need to develop quality, custom web applications, you cannot go wrong when hiring a Ruby on Rails developer. It is of crucial importance that this professional has several years of experience in Ruby programming and in the creation, management and optimization of webapps. We talk about the loading speed of these web applications in Ruby, their usability, their effectiveness in terms of design and integration with other platforms or programming languages. It's also important that your Ruby on Rails developer has plenty of experience implementing web security solutions.

Surely, the professional Ruby on Rails developer will have advanced knowledge in object-oriented programming , knows how to handle relational databases such as PostgreSQL and MySQL and design or develop user interfaces. Without forgetting the necessary implementation of web services and APIs, as well as testing tools such as RSpec and Capybara. In short, a professional Ruby on Rails developer must not only master Ruby and its framework, but also HTML, CSS, JavaScript, AJAX, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Git, Heroku, Bootstrap, jQuery among others.

Furthermore, the professional Ruby on Rails developer must have a proactive mentality to solve possible problems during the web application development phase and also a lot of creativity, to improve the experience and usability for the end user. Knowing how to resist stress, when delivery times are very short, adds to other personal qualities such as precision, knowing how to prioritize tasks and constant learning, essential in an environment as dynamic as Ruby.

Hire a roby on rails developer from Egypt

Interested to hire a roby on rails developer from Egypt? We can help! Please contact us.