How to Hire a BI Data Analyst?

How to hire a BI data analyst?

Do you need a professional who is an expert in business analytics, data mining, data warehousing and big data and is capable of mastering the analysis, extraction, storage and graphical representation of business data? Brilliant!

A professional BI data analyst can help you improve your business by taking advantage of large amounts of information, thanks to the management of big data, machine learning and predictive analytics.

Currently, being able to count on a professional BI data analyst represents the possibility of improving the productivity and results of your company.

The objective of Business Intelligence is to collect and analyze information that is then used to make strategic decisions.

Professional BI data analysts are halfway between these two processes: they are the arrival point of all corporate data and, with the analysis and processing of the data itself, they become the starting point of decision-making processes.

It is important to know how to hire committed professional BI data analyst who are true expert in Business Intelligence, who can provide extensive knowledge in the use of the main tools such as:

  • Tableau
  • Power BI
  • Python
  • R
  • SQL
  • Hadoop
  • Spark
  • AWS
  • Excel

In addition, professional BI data analysts know how to take advantage of different tools and technologies for data analysis (Business Analytics, Marketing Analytics, predictive analytics), the extraction of valuable information from data (Data Mining and Data Science), which are then processed and represented graphically (Data Warehousing and Data Visualization).

Choosing the best BI data analyst will help you in the analysis, extraction, storage and representation of large volumes of data to improve decision making, taking advantage of the latest artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques.

What to consider when hiring a professional BI data analyst?

If you are looking for the best professionals in the field of BI data analysis, it is crucial that they have experience in Business Analytics, Data Mining, Data Warehousing and big data. That is, they have already worked in the context of enterprise data analysis, extracting valuable information from data, and storing and organizing data.

They must also be familiar with the big data environment and its applications, knowing how to manage and represent large amounts of data, with the help of Artificial Intelligence and the latest and most innovative machine learning techniques. This experience will make your professional BI data analyst capable of optimizing time and resources, reducing decision-making times.

Technical knowledge is very important to carry out the work of a professional BI data analyst, since data management, analysis and cleaning are complex and delicate operations that require the use of various types of programs.

For example, interactive data visualization software such as Tableau, others for analysis such as Power BI, or also programming languages ​​such as Python, R (statistical programming) and SQL, very useful if you work with databases.

But the professional BI data analyst must also know how to control big data processing platforms (such as Hadoop or Spark) and tools such as AWS, Excel and SAS to work with cloud computing and statistical data analysis.

When you hire a professional BI data analyst, you will have at your side a professional who knows how to extract data from different sources, clean it and transform it for visualization, so that it will be more immediate to create models and thus discover patterns and trends in big data, Business Analytics and favoring predictive analytics.

This professional will also allow you to segment the data, analyze the behavior of users and customers, studying correlations and product life cycles, offering you real-time Business Intelligence information that is crucial to verify the profitability, effectiveness and productivity of your business.

Hire a BI data analyst from Egypt

Interested to hire a BI data analyst from Egypt? We can help! Please contact us.