How to Hire an SEO Specialist?

How to Hire an seo specialist?

An SEO (Search Engine Optimization) specialist is an IT professional who can help websites and improve their visibility and relevance on the results page (SERPs) of, for example, Google, Bing, Yahoo or YouTube. SERP stands-for Search Engine Result Page. It is the search results page that a search engine such as Google shows when a user searches for certain keywords. You can rise or fall in position by the relevance of your web page. When your website is at the top rank of Google for a certain term, you will get more visitors to your website than when you are down. Ranking higher on the Google ranking can be done through keyword research, optimization of contents, relevant link placements, technical development optimization of the website, page speed and more.

The objective of an SEO specialist is to ensure that a website appears at the top of the results page for relevant search terms, attracting more organic traffic and increasing the website's online visibility and authority. SEO is a crucial aspect of digital marketing and can significantly influence a company's online success. An SEO specialist should be aware of the latest algorithm changes and trends in search engine optimization to continue to improve the performance of the website and attract more visitors.

What does an SEO specialist do?

An SEO specialist is a professional who mainly focuses on improving organic traffic to each web page. The goal is to make the website rank as high as possible in the search results, so that it gets more visibility and visitors. This is important because a lot of people looking for something on the internet do not look beyond the first few search results. If a website is not highly visible, it will attract fewer visitors and therefore less likely to convert into views, leads or sales.

Together with development team, online tmarketers and content writers, an SEO specialist ensures that the website meets the search engines requirements and contains keywords used by most users. An important part of the SEO specialist work is target group research and keyword(s) and search behavior research. They look at are the keywords that relevant to the user and to the website and how often they are used by online users. They use this information to properly enhance the content of the website and naturally integrate keywords into the text, each page title and description.

In addition to the site content, technical optimization is also very important for a high rank in the search results. The technical structure of the website is tested and improved, so the search engines can more easily understand, search (crawl) and index the website. Crawling pulls data from websites or other sources, usually to process or analyze that data. Google does this to assess whether your website is functioning optimally. You can make the website perform better by improving and optimizing the website architecture, increasing the page loading speed and solving technical errors.

What are the benefits of an SEO specialist for your company?

An SEO specialist is a professional who focuses on improving the findability of a company online through search engine optimization (SEO). Below are some of the advantages that an SEO specialist can bring to a company:

  • Higher number of visitors to your website: By improving the online findability of the website, an SEO specialist can ensure that the website attracts more visitors. This leads to more visibility and awareness for your company.
  • Higher search engines rankings: A good SEO strategy ensures a higher ranking of the website in search results of search engines such as Google. This makes it easier for potential clients to find your website when they search for products or services that you offer.
  • Lower costs per acquisition: Because SEO is aimed at promoting the online findability of the website, less money needs to be paid on other forms of online marketing such as the well known Google Ads. This results in a lower cost per acquisition and a higher return for your company.
  • Focus on target group: When the content on the website is customized to the target group, the chance of a longer stay on the website is plausible. In this way, an SEO specialist ensures that the correct people convert on the website.
  • Better User Experience: An SEO specialist focuses on the enhancement of the user's experience on the website. This means that the website is well-optimized for speed, usability, accessibility, resulting to a better user experience and a higher return-back of visitors.
  • Competitive edge: By optimizing the online findability of the website, your company will gain an advantage over your competitors who are not or less active with SEO optimization. This can lead to an increase in your leads and sales and an improvement in your company's branding.

Hire an seo specialist from Egypt

Interested to hire an seo specialist from Egypt? We can help! Please contact us.