How to Hire an SEA Specialist?

How to hire an SEA specialist?

An SEA specialist is an IT professional who is responsible for handling and optimizing search engine advertising campaigns for a company. SEA means Search Engine Advertising, which refers to paid ads in search engines such as Google or Bing. The core tasks of an SEA specialist are to set up advertising campaigns, selecting the correct keywords, making effective advertising texts, monitoring the performance of the campaigns and enhancing the bids and targeting to achieve the most possible achieve ROI.

An SEA specialist is a professional marketer and often uses online tools such as Google Ads, MSN Ads, Google Analytics and Search Console as well as various reporting tools. The SEA specialist is an expert in campaign optimization and analyzes the performance of the campaigns and changes the strategies where necessary to achieve the target results.

A good SEA specialist doesn't oncly focus on achieving clicks and conversions, but also cares about the available budget of the company and the main goals of the paid campaign. They are able to translate the results into clear reports for stakeholders and to make suggestions for next upcoming campaigns. An SEA specialist also is always looking for latest insights into search behavior and the intention of the related target group, so that campaign performs better and conversions are obtained.

What do the best SEA marketers have in common?

However, the best qualities of a good SEA specialist are agility and flexibility. It's clear that the online marketing landscape is constantly evolving and changing, and the best SEA specialists are flexible enough to respond quickly to these changes. This means that they are not only aware of the newest technologies and trends, but also that they are able to understand and use them effectively in their campaigns fast.

In addition, the best SEA specialists often have very good analytical skills and are able to interpret the data they get and use it in their campaign.

In addition, a professional SEA specialists often excel in excellent cooperation and communication. They can work effectively with other persons in the marketing team and other divisions to ensure the campaigns deliver results on time and within the budget. They can also clearly and concisely communicate their recommendations and findings to others within the company.

What is the role of an SEA specialist in a company?

There are alot of different roles that can appear in a marketing team, depending on the structure and size of the company. Below are some of the most common functions in a marketing team in a medium size company:

  • Marketing Manager: The person who is responsible for developing the marketing strategy and managing the marketing team.
  • Content Marketer: An IT professional who concentrates on creating and managing marketing content, such as emails, blogs, white papers, and posts on social media.
  • SEO specialist: An IT professional who focuses on optimizing the web pages of the site for search engines to generate more organic traffic.
  • SEA Specialist: An IT professional who is responsible for setting up and managing Google Ads paid search campaigns to drive traffic and conversions.
  • Social Media Marketer: An IT professional who focuses on managing the company's social media channels and the development of the content strategies for these platforms.
  • Marketing Analyst: A professional who focuses on analyzing data to gain insights and measure the performance of campaigns.
  • Graphic Designer: An IT professional who focuses on designing graphic elements for marketing campaigns, such as ads, infographics, and email campaigns.
  • Public relations specialist: The PR specialist os a professional who focuses on creating positive publicity and managing reputation of the company.

The roles in a marketing department can vary depending on the size of the company/department/team. In addition, some roles may be outsourced through a freelancer to help the company achieve good results and enhance the marketing processes.

Hire an SEA specialist from Egypt

Interested to hire an SEA specialist from Egypt? We can help! Please contact us.