How to Hire a Full Stack Developer?

How to hire a full stack developer?

Full stack development refers to the full breadth of developing both the front-end and the back-end of applications. The front-end, also known as the client side (browser), is everything that happens on the front of a website or app and therefore everything a user sees. The back-end, also called the server side, ensures that everything works behind the scenes, such as: servers, databases and other internal architecture. Full stack developers therefore also have experience with both stacks, both the front-end and the back-end.

Something more specific:

What is Front End Development?

Front-end is basically everything that happens on the front end of a website or app. From a technical point of view, opening a website is nothing more than downloading a number of files that your web browser transforms into a website. There is anything and everything in between: a number of photos that are shown on the page, metadata about the site and the fonts to be used. And of course also scripts that allow a user to interact with the website, such as opening pop-ups, notifications or animations. Knowledge of HTML and CSS is required to display elements on a page. In addition, Javascript ensures that the interaction on the page runs smoothly.

What is Back End Development?

Back-end is the magic behind the scenes and can be very broad: from setting up servers, architecture, database, automatic deploy architecture, etc. Your main goal as a back-end developer is to ensure that users of your website or application have the get to see correct information and that this interaction on the front (front-end) is properly processed at the back (back-end).

What does a full stack developer do?

A full stack developer develops websites and/or applications from start to finish. Full stack developers are often broadly trained, with knowledge of various systems and programming languages. For example, where a Python programmer has focused on a specific programming language (Python), this is not necessarily the case with a full stack developer.

A full stack developer is an all-rounder and has overlapping knowledge of both stacks. A full stack developer ensures that a website or application is well put together from start to finish. Due to the many possibilities, and the technologies that develop at lightning speed, a full stack developer is often less specialized than a front- or back-end developer.

The work of a full stack developer can consist of:

  • Developing and/or launching a website, software and/or application
  • Coding both front-end and back-end in different languages
  • Fix bugs
  • Set up servers and databases for the back-end of the software
  • Test software
  • Web architecture
  • Build and develop a database
  • Converting designs into working code

The most common mistake a company makes when hiring a full stack developer

Clients often want too much to be produced in too short a time. In other words: Too much, too fast. What you as a company can pay close attention to is a good balance in these three elements: quality, money and speed. Do you want quality and speed? That means the costs will be high.

In addition, many clients or recruiters often have unrealistic expectations. Full stack developers are generalists, and less specialized. That makes sense, with so many different possibilities it is impossible to be specialized across the board. This means that he/she does not have an in-depth understanding of all the different programming languages. So make sure you have a good idea of ​​what you need a developer for. Perhaps you need a specific front-ender, or a specialist in a specific language such as a WordPress programmer, Arduino programmer or a Wix specialist . Also take a good look at what kind of website you want to have made. Is it a website that should be simple, but professional? Then one can website maker also offer a solution.

It always takes time for a developer to get to know the structure and logic. So even when you hire a very experienced developer, it always takes time to find the right angle. So you never immediately start at 100% speed, but it builds up slowly.

When you need to hire a full-stack developer for your company?

The main advantage here if you are a start-up company and you do not need tp increase the development budget of your product/service. So getting an expert full stack developer can reduce the cost and in some cases can reduce the time needed to develop the same application using splitted roles (front-end and back-end).

Hire a full stack developer from Egypt

Interested to hire a full stack developer from Egypt? We can help! Please contact us.