How to Hire a Front-End Developer?

How to hire a front-end developer?

Front-end is basically everything that happens on the front end of a website or app. From a technical point of view, opening a website is nothing more than downloading a number of files that your web browser transforms into a website. There is anything and everything in between: a number of photos that are shown on the page, metadata about the site and the fonts to be used.

Some of these files are written in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. And those are the files that bring your website to life. Where HTML and CSS are responsible for the lion's share of what you see when you open a site and JavaScript for the interaction.

What color is the text? And how big? How much space is there between the title and subtitle? That's pretty much all HTML and CSS.

When you click on a button and you want the menu to slide down? If you press an arrow to the right and want the next photo to be shown? That's JavaScript. This part has become increasingly complex in recent years.

What does a front end developer do?

A front-end developer is therefore a web builder who is concerned with everything that ultimately happens in the browser when someone visits the site. A good example of this is designing websites.

Designers often create their designs in a specific design program (Photoshop, Figma, Zeplin, or other programs), but the browser only understands HTML and CSS. A front-end developer is used to convert a design into code. In addition, the developer ensures that the design looks good in different browsers and on different types of devices; from a desktop to an iPhone and from Safari to Chrome. This is usually done through HTML and CSS. This makes a front-end developer a kind of website maker, but focused on a specific part of the website.

In addition, more and more large front-end frameworks such as React, Vue or Angular are being used to assemble the front-end. These frameworks use JavaScript to build the entire site. Done right, this makes for a very fast, fluid site that is a pleasure to use. These types of frameworks have become increasingly popular in recent years. This is certainly due to the fluid interactions on sites like Facebook, Netflix or AirBNB. If a lot of interaction is needed on a site, these frameworks often offer the best solution.

As a company, how can you use a freelance front-end developer?

Broadly speaking, there are two types of work that require front-end knowledge:

  • When implementing a design. If it is important that a design is properly implemented and is displayed properly on all screens, then you need a developer who can handle HTML and CSS well. Most back-end developers are familiar with the basics, but to convert a complex design into code you often need someone who really understands front-end development. Specifically HTML and CSS in this case.
  • When deploying a large site or app with a lot of interactivity. Netflix is ​​an extreme example, of course, but there are plenty of smaller sites that need a fluid interface so that the site feels like an app. To create these types of applications you need people who understand a front-end framework. React, Vue, and Angular are three of the largest. The emphasis in these types of assignments is more on JavaScript.

When is a front-end developer really necessary?

Properly implementing a complicated design is something that you generally cannot ignore a front-end developer. Although HTML and CSS don't seem too complicated at first, things get a lot more difficult when you start working with complicated layouts. Without in-depth knowledge of things like Grid or Flexbox, you can easily spend hours styling a simple part of a page. With the right knowledge, this can be solved much faster and better.

Hire a front-end developer from Egypt

Interested to hire a front-end developer from Egypt? We can help! Please contact us.